
Dr. Leslie Kanat is a geologist who received his Ph.D. in the Earth Sciences from the University of Cambridge, England, and was supported by Fulbright Scholarships. He studied metamorphic rocks in the Norwegian Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, the Saualpe of Austria, and in northern Vermont.

In 1987, Dr. Kanat began teaching freshman geology courses at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Since 1988 he taught a wide variety of undergraduate geology and computer courses at Northern Vermont University-Johnson where he was Professor of Geology. He received the Vermont State Colleges Faculty Fellowship awards in 2000 and in 2004, the Johnson State College Distinguished Faculty Member of the Year award in 2004, and the Excellence in Advisor’s Award in 2003. He is a current and active member of the Geological Society of America, the National Association of Geology Teachers (past-President of the New England Chapter), and Board Member of the Vermont Geological Society.

At the university he has been writing and editing scientific papers, technical papers, and research proposals. As an educator, he learned how to translate the science so others can understand the content. As a writer, he learned how to adapt the writing for the intended audience. All of these opportunities have one thing in common – clear communication and direction, at all levels, is necessary for comprehension and advancement of ideas.

Dr. Kanat served on the governing board of the Vermont Chapter of the Fulbright Association and was a volunteer firefighter specialist with the Underhill-Jericho Fire Department. Since 2007 he has been an active School Board Director for the Mount Mansfield Modified Union School District, and in 2012 was appointed by Governor Shumlin to the Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel. He also serves as the scientific advisor for Fairewinds Energy Education Corporation, in Burlington, VT. He is a co-leader for the Vermont Fragile X Community Support Network, and an active national advocate for research and support for those with Fragile X Syndrome.