Guidelines for List of Personal References


A list of references, or the names of references, will be required for most job applications.


Consider the following when requesting letters of reference:

  1. Send the person a properly written email requesting a letter of reference.
  2. Briefly describe the position and attach the position description.
  3. Provide the contact information for the letter (name, organization, and address).
  4. Specify the deadline and where letter should be sent (most likely to the organization).
  5. Offer a copy of your resume and a brag list to aid in writing the letter.
  6. Thank the person, in advance, for writing a letter of reference on your behalf.


Be sure to include the following for each person on the list of references:

  1. Use the same letterhead and font style that was used on the resume.
  2. The resume and list of references are separate documents—do not staple them together or send them as a single .pdf file.
  3. Beneath the letterhead, write: List of References For YourFullName.
  4. Limit the list to three appropriate references.
  5. Include the following information for each reference:
      Full name
      Full address (street, city, state, and zip)
      Phone number
      Email address
      Web page
      Relationship (specify if the reference is an academic advisor, research mentor, or best friend).




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