Grant search engines

InfoEd Global (SPIN)

An up-to-date listing of national and international government and private funding sources, from InfoEd International. Access is limited to registered users.

Find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies; an access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies.

Federal Digital System

Provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.

Assistance Listings: The Catalogue for Federal Domestic Assistance

Government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities which provide assistance or benefits to the American public. It also contains financial and non-financial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the Federal government.

The Council on Foundations

The Council on Foundations works to support foundations by promoting knowledge, growth and action in philanthropy.

Foundations & Grantmakers Directory

You can browse the foundation directory, pick a listed foundation, search any foundation's information page or search any foundation's home page.

The US General Services Administration

Prescribed maximum per diem rates for the continental US.

OUP Foundation Resource Guide

Office of University Partnerships, part of US HUD, provides notices of availability of funding.

GrantsAlert for Colleges

Our intent is to provide information to help America's public and private colleges and universities weather the economic storm we are experiencing.

Guide to Department of Education Programs

Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs and Resources.

Federal Register: Department of Education Documents

Department of Education grant announcements posted in the Federal Register.

National Institutes of Health Grant Programs

AREA grants support individual research projects in the biomedical and behavioral sciences conducted by faculty, and involving their undergraduate students, who are located in health professional schools and other academic components that have not been major recipients of NIH research grant funds.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Opportunities and Notices

The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is the official publication for NIH medical and behavioral research grant policies, guidelines and funding opportunities.

NSF E-Bulletin

The NSF E-Bulletin announces key dates on which grant proposals are due at NSF for the next four months.

NSF Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI)

Review the NSF guidelines for facilitating research at undergraduate institutions.

NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)

The MRI Program assists in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation by U.S. institutions that is, in general, too costly for support through other NSF programs. The maintenance and technical support associated with these instruments are also supported.

US Department of Agriculture

Search for awards funded by the US Department of Agriculture.

Research Corporation

A foundation for the advancement of science.

Council on Undergraduate Research

The Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship Program of the Council on Undergraduate Research provides support for a seminal experience in the life of an undergraduate natural or social science, mathematics, or engineering student. Our fellowships provide ten weeks of research with a faculty mentor on the student’s home campus.

Petroleum Research Fund

Grants are made to nonprofit institutions in the United States and other countries in response to proposals. Fundamental research is currently supported in chemistry, the earth sciences, chemical engineering, and in related fields such as polymers and materials science.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Responsible for the awarding and administration of CDC’s grants and cooperative agreements and those of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Master Government List of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers

The annual Federal funds survey is the primary source of information about Federal funding for R&D in the United States.

Vermont Arts Council The Vermont Arts Council supports artists, organizations, schools, and universities.

Vermont Biomedical Research Network

The mission of VBRN is to build a culture to promote biomedical research infrastructure in Vermont. VBRN links scientists baccalaureate institutions in the state of Vermont to resources at the University of Vermont. It is designed to provide funding for research, equipment and technology necessary to enhance competitiveness for national funding for genetics research.

Office of Sponsored Project Administration at the University of Vermont

The mission of the OSP is to provide excellent administrative support to faculty in their pursuit of funding for research and scholarly activity while ensuring compliance with federal, university and private sponsor regulations, terms and conditions. The links will allow access a variety of tools that will assist your search for external funding.

Vermont EPSCoR

The Vermont Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) contributes to building an infrastructure which will improve the research competitiveness of Vermont scientists and engineers as well as bring NSF resources to the service of the broader community.

The Grants Office at Middlebury College

The mission of the Grants Office is to support College initiatives and faculty scholarship (research and projects) through the identification, research, cultivation, and solicitation of corporations, foundations and federal agencies. Many useful links are presented.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Find funding through the University's web site.

Duke University

Grant funding newsletter and current funding opportunities for a variety of interests.

Vermont Community Foundation

The VCF builds and manages charitable funds created by individuals, families, groups, organizations, and institutions to improve the quality of life in Vermont. Grants from these funds are awarded at the suggestion of our fundholders and through competitive processes managed by the Foundation.

National Council of University Research Administrators

Promote the development of more effective policies and procedures relative to the administration of sponsored programs to assure the achievement of the maximum potential in academic programs.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education The grants program supports farmers, ranchers, researchers and educators who are improving the sustainability of U.S. agriculture.
Spencer Foundation The Foundation is intended, by Spencer's direction, to investigate ways in which education, broadly conceived, can be improved around the world.

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